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Workplace Leadership

Workplace Leadership

Leadership in the workplace is not about your position in the hierarchy. It is not about whether you have the corner office or how many people report to you. Not so long ago, leadership skills were thought to be decision making and strength. In modern times we think there are other factors to consider, develop and practise.


A great leader will have a team around them that wants to be productive and perform.

Their team will understand the company’s vision and where the business is heading. Their team understands what they are doing and why they are doing it.

These are the skills we find to be important in the modern workplace.

Emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to have empathy for the people around you. It is understanding their values and how they are feeling about something. It is taking these feelings and values into consideration in your dealings with them.

Emotional intelligence also includes self-awareness of your own strengths and weaknesses and personal bias.


Communication skills involve actively listening to your team and colleagues. It means that you are able to provide both constructive and positive feedback. Most importantly, celebrate the team wins and reward success. There are ways to do this without blowing the budget. You will be surprised how much a note of thanks gets appreciated.

The ability to Inspire and motivate your team.

This is a tricky one. It is not about standing on your desk and delivering a speech to rally the troops. Neither is it about sending out an inspirational quote (although kudos if that works for you!). We think inspiration is all about passion. Being passionate about what you are doing, and where the business is headed. Enthusiasm is definitely infectious.

It is important to make your team feel included in your direction. This will ensure they take ownership of their own processes and goals.

A great leader surrounds themselves with great people. They trust these people to get stuff done. They delegate interesting projects and tasks to these trusted people. They recognise potential talent and put time and effort into developing them.


A great leader has Integrity. They can be trusted with a matter in confidence. They are respected for their consistency and trustworthiness.


A great leader takes considered risks and innovates. Progress is unlikely in an organisation where everyone is treading water. Creativity must be encouraged.

Don’t forget the Fun.

A good leader understands that people spend way too much time in the workplace. They understand it is important for staff to feel engaged and connected. Introducing elements of fun to the workday ensures that every day does not feel like Ground Hog day. Your team want to come to work each day and perform.

Have you worked for a great leader? What about them do you want to emulate? Leading people is a skill that can be learned and practised. Which element above do you need to work on to improve your workplace leadership?

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