Are you reluctant to take a holiday? Some people feel like their workplace is way too dependent on their role to get away, disconnect and recharge. We promise, taking a holiday is good for you! We also promise that by getting you out of the office, your company ensures they do not have any key person dependency issues. It is well established that a rested staff member performs better and is less likely to burn out.
We have found there to be two extreme types of people in holiday preparation:
These people work until midnight in the weeks before their leave, manically adding sticky notes on every file. They include tiny details that nobody is likely to read. Often this pile is discovered in exactly the same place upon their return.
This lot waltz out the door with a cheery wave and barely a handover e-mail.
We like to think the ideal preparation for taking time off is somewhere in the middle of these two extremes. Read on for our top tips to get you the rest you have earned and to ensure things in the office stay on track without you.
So that’s it, get planning then get packing. We challenge you to rest up and switch off and come back to work re-energised.
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